Affordable & Supportive Housing Initiatives
Edwin's Place HDFC
A Mix of Affordable Rental Housing for Low-Income Working Families and Permanent Supportive Rental Housing for Special Needs Homeless Families, Single Adults and Veterans
Opened in 2021, Edwin’s Place provides 126 independent living apartments for formerly homeless adults and low-income working families, through a mix of affordable and supportive rental housing paired with comprehensive services for special needs formerly homeless single adults and wrap-around services for very low-income working families, seniors and veterans. Click here to learn more about Edwin’s Place.
Glenmore Manor Apartments HDFC
A Mix of Affordable Rental Housing for Low-Income Working Families and Permanent Supportive Rental Housing for Special Needs Homeless Families, Single Adults and Seniors
Glenmore Manor Apartments, HDFC will provide a mix of 233 units of affordable, rental supportive housing paired with comprehensive services for special needs formerly homeless adults and wrap-around services for very low-income working families and seniors. Click here to learn more about Glenmore Apartments.
Supportive Housing Submenu
Volunteer Adult Literacy Tutor
Become a volunteer tutor in reading, writing, G.E.D. Prep, or English as a Second Language (ESL).
Call the Literacy Partners at 646-237-0120 or visit the Adult Literacy Tutor program, or Literacy Partners. Help change lives and make New York City one of the country’s most literate cities.