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Partners & Affiliates

Special thanks to all the ambassadors, partners, funders, and supporters who make the life-saving work we do possible. The support of these individuals and organizations is a reflection of their commitment to our mission. Together, we’re helping individuals and families escape abuse, heal safely, and lead productive full lives.

For quality and compliance purposes, the following government agencies review all our programs and visit our facilities. AAPCI’s program(s) are licensed and the organization has contractual agreements with the following:

 iconTDA iconNYC_HRA iconNYC_dhp

The African American Planning Commission also maintains partnerships and/or membership affiliations with the following organizations:

  • HIV Health and Human Services Planning Council of New York
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center
  • Coalition of Residential Domestic Violence Providers
  • Supportive Housing Network of New York (SHNNY)
  • Nonprofit New York
  • Public Health Solutions 
  • Brooklyn HIV Care Network
  • Gay Men’s Health Crisis
  • God’s Love We Deliver 


AAPCI Donations

Volunteer Adult Literacy Tutor
Become a volunteer tutor in reading, writing, G.E.D. Prep, or English as a Second Language (ESL).

Call the Literacy Partners at 646-237-0120 or visit the Adult Literacy Tutor program, or Literacy Partners. Help change lives and make New York City one of the country’s most literate cities.